Not too long ago, I put together a few tools that I was using to jump-start “growth engine” for some clients.

What I use now has evolved, but these tools form the foundation for developing your own “growth engine” for exponential, sustainable and predictable growth.

You can have them all – no opt-in required.

Tool #1: Your Ideal Buyer Profile

This “Ideal Buyer Profile” is like a super-charged Persona, but much more powerful. It helps you get clear on the elements that matter for conversion: psychographics and decision-making.

You’ll be able to understand your Ideal Buyer better than anyone else. This, in turn, will help you decide on what kind of experiments to run, how and where, as well as crafting the messaging and value propositions you need to succeed.

You’ll find it easy to fill out and each section is designed to help you get clarity. You don’t have to fill it out 100% right away — if you only do 80% of it, you’ll have a head-start on achieving growth.


Click here to Download the Ideal Buyer Profile (PDF)

Next up is Tool #2: Your Competitor Profile. Your marketing, product, and service exist in relation to your competitors. Your buyers are constantly comparing and trying to differentiate. Swipe what your competitors are doing and craft a surefire strategy to help you take market leadership.

Tool #2: Your Competitor Profile

With this “Competitor Profile”, you’ll be able to swipe, pivot and hustle your way past your competitors and leave them behind.

Half the battle of winning new leads and sales is to differentiate yourself from your competitors.

You simply need to take inventory of what your competitors are doing, how they’re doing and what their message is.

You then position yourself as different from them and address the same market – you’ll win.

Don’t develop and deploy your growth marketing in isolation and in a vacuum. Spy on your enemies and turn their weaknesses into your strength.


Click here to Download the Competitor Profile Spreadsheet (XLS)

Finally, Tool #3: Your Sales & Their Buying Process. When you align how you sell with how they buy, you’ll achieve growth in less time, using fewer resources – and more sustainably add revenue to your bottom-line.

Tool #3: Your Sales & Their Buying Process

A huge part of getting the stream of leads and sales to happen exponentially — and be sustainable and predictable – is to adjust 2 things:

  1. How you sell (the sales process you use), and align it with
  2. How your customers buy or become leads.

And, there are two parts to this:

  • Your internal Sales Process: What you do, when and how.
  • Their internal Buying Process: What they do, when, how and why.

Aligning these two processes is how you construct the engine that will drive exponential growth.

Don’t skip this step.


Click here to Download the Sales Process Worksheet (XLS)

Obviously, there’s a lot more to building a growth engine but these tools are a good start.

You can always reach out and let me know if you need additional help.