AI social media marketing tools can boost your productivity by 10x.

Remove “ums,” “uhs,” and other filler words automatically from audio and video—in addition to automatically removing the background from video, deleting unwanted objects on the fly, simplifying motion tracking, and so much more.

Here are 5 things you can do easily.

AI has flattened the playing field, allowing individual content creators to easily compete with massive brands for attention.

It’s also made social media teams for brands leaner, letting them do more with less and quickly repurpose content from one platform to the next.

If you’re just getting into AI social media marketing, here’s where I’d suggest starting.

1. Experiment with AI Captions and Images

Don’t try to apply AI to your entire social media strategy at once.

Start with easy wins.

The best way to create your first AI-generated social media posts is to experiment with AI social media captions and AI images.

AI Captions

AI excels at coming up with short-form text—just what you need for social media captions. By using tools like Jasper or any of the other 40+ AI writing tools out there, you don’t have to waste time coming up with the perfect caption.

Instead, you can simply describe the content you’re posting, select a tone (casual, professional, etc), and let the AI come up with options for you to choose from.Use a free caption generator like to play around with captions, and you’ll quickly see the time-saving appeal.

Here’s a quick example:

AI generated captions
(Screenshot from

AI Images

While AI writing tools have been around for a few years, AI images are newer to the scene—which means many social media teams and creators have yet to unlock the potential of generative AI.

While stock photos are inherently limiting, generative AI platforms like DALL-E unleash your creative potential by allowing you to create images that don’t exist anywhere else—all while being customized to your exact use case.

If you’ve ever needed an image of a sloth dressed as a librarian for your social media feed, you can now generate it in seconds:

Image generated with Dall-E
(Image generated with DALL-E)

2. Use Social Media AI Tools for Video Creation

Video used to be one of the slowest forms of content creation, requiring expensive software, technical knowledge, and hours of editing.

These days, a small monthly subscription and a smartphone are all you need to create engaging, viral content in a few minutes.

For short-form video, like Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts, tools like allow you to create, edit, and publish videos in minutes—allowing for more content and less editing.

AI tools like make long-form video and audio editing faster, too—even automatically adding subtitles, removing “ums” and “uhs,” and creating AI models of your voice for easy dubbing.

AI for video creation and editing
(Screenshot from

3. Use AI to Repurpose Content and Improve Your Workflow

Content creation may be where all the AI creativity and fun is—but for true time savings, you’ll want to use AI for everything that comes after content creation, too.

“Content repurposing” used to be a full-time job requiring a dedicated social media manager or outside agency.

Not anymore.

Today, AI can repurpose content for multiple platforms instantly. Tools like “atomize” longform video, audio, and text into bite-sized chunks—perfect for posting to social media.

You can also do this on a more ad hoc basis with tools like ChatGPT. Just instruct the AI to turn your LinkedIn post into an email, or your blog post into a Twitter thread.

Here’s a meta example—I asked ChatGPT to turn the above few paragraphs into a Twitter post:

Generative AI for Twitter
(Screenshot from OpenAI’s ChatGPT)

4. Connect With Influencers—Or Create Your Own

Now that AI social media marketing tools have unlocked content creation for the masses, there are plenty of micro influencers to work with to promote your products.

Or, you can create your own influencer.

AI influencers are still in the experimental phase, but some of them (like lilmiquela) have millions of followers.

AI and influencers on social media
(Screenshot from Instagram)

You can also use AI to automatically generate social media content that resonates with your target audience.

This House Does Not Exist has built a large interior design and architecture-focused audience on Twitter by using AI to render impressive homes in cities around the world—all on autopilot. That audience is then funneled toward related projects.

Generative AI for interior design
(Screenshot from Twitter)

5. Get AI Insights From Social Media Analytics

Once you’ve published your content, repurposed it, and promoted it, there’s only one thing left to do—analyze it.

Fortunately, AI excels at the kind of large-scale data-crunching necessary to analyze your social media activity. AI-powered social media analytics tools can help with:

  • Social listening: See what people are saying about your brand on every social media platform—and get AI-driven insights.
  • Audience insights: Understand your most engaged demographics so you can reach them better.
  • Brand reputation: Get notifications when there’s a spike in mentions for your brand, or when an influencer posts a negative review.
  • Competitive benchmarking: Understand how your social media performance compares to other brands.

Start Experimenting with AI in Social Media Today

If you’re putting together a grand “AI social media strategy”—but haven’t yet incorporated AI into your social media process in small ways—you’re doing it wrong.

Technology is changing too fast to wait.

Instead, experiment.

Start small. Use social media caption generators. Play around with generative AI images.

Allow your social media team to make content faster by giving them access to the latest AI tools.

Then, watch the advances in AI closely so you can keep improving your workflow.

Looking for guidance? Upgrade your marketing with Bionic Writer and discover how to use AI for more clicks, conversions, and cash.